Sunday, November 21, 2010


 I am rather proud of my productivity this weekend. Yesterday I tested out a new soap recipe, don't think it worked out how I wanted it to, but at least it was a tiny test batch so I didn't waste too many materials.

As for today, while everyone around seemed to be setting up the bbq—I made spinach, onion, mushroom and feta stuffed chicken with rice and chocolate peanut butter cups to follow for a tasty treat. And it was GOOD! I even witnessed Matt eating every bit (including the mushrooms—that's a big thing for him....LOL) Although at this point I haven't tried the peanut butter cups, but honestly...I don't think I need to try them to tell you they are going to be amazing. I hate food pictures, but I had to post my success (just ignore the 'sweat' on the peanut butter cups, it was a humid day).

Also this afternoon I decided to take a break from my food network session in the kitchen and take the dogs for a 4 mile walk. It was so nice outside I couldn't just sit indoors and watch the sun pass by. I found a pretty nice route through the neighborhood near by and hope to make it a daily walk with the dogs or run with my iPod :) The next thing I need to do is find a half marathon and start training, I think it's the only way I'm going to get back out there!

Spinach, Mushroom, Onion, Feta Stuffed Chicken
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

1 comment:

  1. :drool: looks soo good! :) friends just did her first marathon it was 13 miles. I should ask her when the next one is.
